Engaging disengaged readers at the Financial Times

EngagementHabit formationB2C

Role & Company

I lead the product design as part of the FT’s Engagement team alongside a PM, a Business Analyst, a User Researcher and 4 engineers


We experimented with 3 new features to help disengaged readers get more value from their subscription. Those who use 1 or more of the features are 20% more likely to become ‘engaged’. Those who arrive on the improved article page are 5% more likely to follow a topic.
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Those who don’t read cancel their subscription

The cost of acquiring a new customer can be anywhere between five and 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one. We know that those who pay for the FT but don’t use it are much more likely to cancel their subscription.

How might we ensure that those who pay for the FT use it, value it and stay subscribed?


Disengaged readers have unique behaviours

We used data analysis and qualitative feedback from a survey to better understand disengaged subscribers. We learned that disengaged subscribers:

    1. Arrive at an article page more often than engaged users
    2. Over index in desktop use and under index in app use
    3. Often ignore emails and newsletters and can find them annoying
    4. Expect relevant news to find them
    5. Are less familiar with personalization features like myFT


Meeting disengaged readers where they are

Using this research, I facilitated 2 rounds of ideation workshops with the team and stakeholders. We came up with more than 40 ideas and chose to test 3 that we agreed were low-effort/high-impact:

    1. In article myFT onboarding
    2. In article myFT recommendations (AB testing copy)
    3. Hyper-localized homepage slice


More engagement and a deeper understanding

    • Those who use 1 or more of the features are 20% more likely to become ‘engaged’.
    • Those who arrive on the improved article page are 5% more likely to follow a topic.
    • In/out bias was most effective in encouraging the under-engaged to follow a topic


Data Anaysis Surveys Personas Ideation Workshops User Flows Wireframes Advanced Prototyping UX/UI AB testing

Next Steps

Following this work, we revisited and audited the language used for myFT, with the ambition of making it more understandable and action oriented.

We shared our findings with marketing teams so they could experiment with their messaging targeted at disengaged users.Read Next

Using audio to help governing bodies investigate war crimes


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